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Growing spring onions – what do you need to know?
Growing spring onions – what do you need to know?

Spring onions are a delicious and healthy addition to a variety of dishes. This vegetable is rich in vitamins A, C and B vitamins. You can grow it in the garden or even in a pot. Check how to grow spring onions.

Can you grow tomatoes on a balcony?
Can you grow tomatoes on a balcony?

Would you like to make the most of your balcony space? Are you dreaming of a small garden but don’t know if it’s legal to grow vegetables in your apartment building? Read and check!

Growing vegetables on your balcony – this is what you need to know
Growing vegetables on your balcony – this is what you need to know

Would you like to try vegetables from your own garden, but you lack a garden? No problem, use your balcony!

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