How to arrange cut flowers in a bouquet?

Jalynn Peterson
How to arrange cut flowers in a bouquet?
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Although most people give bouquets straight from the florist’s shop to their friends and relatives, hand-made bouquets made of flowers from your own garden can also bring a lot of joy. However, it is worth knowing how to arrange them in bouquets, so that they last as long as possible and delight with their beautiful appearance

Floristics is a very broad and developed field, in which trends change every now and then. However, some rules – e.g. concerning the prolongation of the durability of cut flowers – remain unchanged and it is worth to get to know them before cutting roses or tulips for a bouquet. When arranging a bouquet it is worth to think about such issues as: the vitality of the species, color matching, decorating the bouquet, as well as the shape of the composition. We suggest how to create a bouquet of timeless beauty!

When to cut flowers?

How many florists, how many opinions. Supposedly, durability of cut flowers depends on time of day when they were cut, weather, and even… on moon phase!

One thing is certain – cut flowers when their buds are not yet developed. This way, they will develop in the vase and stay fresh for longer, in full bloom. Plants with clusters of flowers are best cut when the lower buds have just developed and the upper ones have completely rolled up. It is best to cut flowers in the early morning or late evening, when the water-conducting bundles are completely open.

You can break off delicate flowers with your fingers and cut stiffer ones at an angle with pruning shears – so that the tip ends up with a long, smooth surface that can easily take up water. Before putting the bouquet in the vase, wash it thoroughly. Disinfecting it will prolong the freshness of the composition.

In water, in the hand, on a sponge

Bouquets can be arranged in different ways – directly in the vase, in the hand or on a sponge (more advanced compositions). The most important rule is not to force the stems – you can crush delicate tissues or tear off the leaves. Flowers you add one by one always in one direction – either clockwise or counterclockwise. Before preparing the bouquet, it’s also a good idea to shorten the stems so that the flowers are of a similar height and also absorb water better.

Choose the right flowers

The safest compositions are made of one species – because we are sure that these flowers have the same requirements and the same life span. In case of combining several species in one bouquet, you should check whether they will last for the same amount of time – after all it would be sad to throw away a bouquet because half of the plants have withered and started to turn grey and the other half is in full bloom.

How do I prolong the freshness of my flowers?

There are several home methods for prolonging the freshness of flowers. Start by thoroughly disinfecting the vase and cutting off the leaves – they will begin to rot in the water, making the bouquet wilt faster

Then, it’s also a good idea to cut the tips at an angle to unclog the water-permeable bundles. Do not use tap water if it contains chlorine. The best solution is still mineral water to which you can add ice cubes once a day to lower the water temperature – this will prolong the freshness of the bouquet

The bouquet itself should also be kept in a cool room and away from direct sunlight. As a flower conditioner you can use ½ aspirin tablet or a bit of citric acid.

What about as filler?

Garnish is an integral part of a bouquet. It not only makes it appear more magnificent, but also complements it and provides a backdrop for the beautiful flowers. The most commonly used filler of a bouquet is gypsophila, whose small and white flowers look lovely, especially in wedding compositions. Green elements also appear in bouquets – majestic monstera leaves, exotic palm leaves or homely ferns. As “fillers” also work well grasses – pampas and bear grass

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