Tag - home herbarium on the balcony

Can you grow tomatoes on a balcony?
Can you grow tomatoes on a balcony?

Would you like to make the most of your balcony space? Are you dreaming of a small garden but don’t know if it’s legal to grow vegetables in your apartment building? Read and check!

Can you grow mint on a balcony?
Can you grow mint on a balcony?

A bit of refreshing, fragrant greenery on your balcony? Why not? Check out what you need to grow balcony mint!

Home herbarium – how to create it?
Home herbarium – how to create it?

A herbarium is a beautifully scented decoration for any interior, in addition, anyone can make it themselves!

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How to illuminate the garden floor?
Light plays a role not only practical, but also decorative. Read our article and see how to light places around the house with garden flooring.