What is the best plant growing medium for your garden?

In the garden
Jalynn Peterson
What is the best plant growing medium for your garden?
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Plant growing mediums are used to grow plants in gardens, greenhouses and nurseries. There are many different kinds of plant growing mediums available depending on the type of plants being grown and the needs of the grower. Clay pots and peat pots are two other types of plant growing mediums that also have their benefits, which we will be looking at here as well. The following article will tell you what you need to know about clay pots, peat pots and soil mixes in order to make the best decision when choosing a plant growing medium that best suits your individual needs and wants.


Organic Soil: Organic soils are made from organic material such as decomposed leaves and animal manure. These soils provide many benefits including natural fertilizer and better drainage because they have air pockets that allow water to flow through easily. These soils work well with temperate zones where it rains often during summer months or where there is plenty of rainfall throughout the year.


A great way to care for the soil in the garden is by using compost. Compost can help improve drainage, oxygen levels and nutrient content of a soil. It provides an excellent natural fertilizer which helps plants grow strong and healthy. It also has many benefits such as fighting weed growth, boosting pollination and providing a natural protection against pests. The most commonly used materials for creating compost are leaves, food scraps and grass clippings but there are plenty of other items that work well too like straw, peat moss or shredded paper. To create your own homemade compost you will need: a container, material that make good compost materials, water and patience! Fill your container with the desired material then layer it with different materials to keep it well-ventilated. As you add layers wait until they decompose before adding more layers on top.


To care for your soil, you need to know what kind of soil you have. Sandy soils are usually dry and inhospitable to plants because they don’t hold water. Clay soils are sticky and difficult to work with because they hold water too tightly. Loam soils are a balance between the two, which can make them more vulnerable to erosion. In order to care for these different types of soil, it’s important that you know what kind of soil it is so that you can add amendments like manure or compost to help enrich it.

main photo: unsplash.com/Zoe Schaeffer

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