Ornamental grasses for the garden – see our suggestions

In the garden
Jalynn Peterson
Ornamental grasses for the garden – see our suggestions
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Ornamental grasses are becoming more and more popular. They are not demanding and adorn the garden wonderfully. Today we’ll look at a few suggestions for unique garden arrangements.

1. Miscanthus china

This is one of the most popular and beautiful ornamental grasses in gardens. It delights with its appearance both in autumn and in winter. It has beautiful inflorescences and characteristic clumps. It works well as an independent plant or in compositions, especially in modern style gardens. It is worth noting that Miscanthus late start the vegetation period.

2. Japanese fern

It belongs to the most willingly planted ornamental grasses. It is very easy in cultivation, it can be planted not only in gardens, but also in pots – on a balcony or terrace. It grows quickly and has beautiful inflorescences, depending on the variety. It usually grows up to 60 – 90 cm high. It forms semicircular clumps consisting mostly of narrow leaves, which are green in the season and yellow in autumn. The color of the spikes becomes red or brown depending on the period. This plant needs moist soil and must be watered regularly

3. Pampas grass

These are dense clumps with a characteristic plume – white or pink. A great idea is to plant these varieties side by side or alternately. It is suitable for both flowerbeds and compositions. It grows best in a sunny location. It grows up to 200 cm high, so it is recommended to plant it e.g. near fences as a natural fence. Interestingly, it can be also cultivated in pots, on balconies and terraces. In winter it needs more care (protection from excess water and frost) and won’t thrive in clay soil.

4. Ash fescue

Another popular plant, often used in flowerbeds or to decorate rockeries. Very easy in cultivation, which is its definite advantage. It forms cushions of blue-green leaves, the flowers are gathered in blue-green, later light brown panicles (blooms in June and July). It grows up to 35 cm high. It does not grow in turf, is quite short-lived and requires a dry and sunny location

Read also how to trim roses.

5. Sedge

This plant is valued for its longevity and variety. It is classed as a low to medium grass (20 to 150 cm tall). Compared to the previous suggestions, sedge is not as showy, but also impresses with its appearance. The leaves of sedges have different colors. They have triangular leaves, and part of the leaf blade has a distinct line. The inflorescences can be in the form of pinnate heads, clusters or panicles.

Beauty and functionality

Ornamental grasses are extremely beautiful and diverse plants. They impress with their colors and complexity of forms. They look great as stand-alone plants, in beds or in complex compositions. They will look beautiful in any garden.

Main Photo: Pitsch/pexels.com

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