Autumn cleaning in the garden – where to start?

In the garden
Jalynn Peterson
Autumn cleaning in the garden – where to start?
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Before the end of the season, it is a good idea to do some key works in the garden. They will avoid difficulties in the spring and ensure a trouble-free winter.

Mowing is the basis

When tidying up the garden, do not forget to mow it, although in autumn you can do it a little less often than usual. It is assumed that it is then enough to control the height of the grass up to several times a month. However, it is recommended that the last trimming be done at the end of October. We can calmly cut the lawn to a height of a few centimeters. Grass does not grow as fast in cold periods, and too aggressive undercutting could affect it badly.

Take care of the supports

Don’t forget about supports and any racks. Remove dead vines, dead stems and dry leaves from them. Try to remove soil and other dirt from wooden elements and paint them with impregnation. Store them indoors during the winter. This will allow you to use them in the next season as well.

Carry out repairs and reinforcements

Before winter arrives, check the condition of gazebos, greenhouses and sheds. If necessary, repaint them with maintenance products. Fill in the defects and touch up the necessary crossbars. You need to be sure that the structures will be strong enough to withstand winter storms. Also pay attention to the condition of the fences.

Remove debris

The end of the season also entails removing weeds. Go through your flower beds and remove dead leaves from them as well. Cut off damaged plant stems with secateurs. In addition, spread some compost to the plants before winter. Make sure that all plants are in good condition. Remove disturbed and frail vegetables and fruits. This is because over time they could become a habitat for pests. In addition, check that the lawn is also cleaned. If necessary, pick up lying leaves, twigs and dead plants. Put any collected disease-free debris into the compost pile.

Trim trees and shrubs

When cleaning up, pay attention to pruning. This will be easiest in early autumn. Cut with secateurs or a saw branches that are devoid of leaves and that have long given the impression of being diseased. During this process, check whether they need additional thinning. You can also take some cuttings that you will plant after winter. In addition, examine your trees and shrubs for rotting spots. This is because they may herald the need for treatment.

Clean up your reservoirs

Go through your water reservoirs. Remove leaves and dead plants that may contaminate the body of water. If you draw water from it, check to make sure all hoses and pumps have been stowed away. Left over the winter, they can easily be damaged.

Cover the plants

Low temperatures can act especially negatively on young plants. Shoots that are not adapted to frost need covering. Suitable for this are, among others, sawdust and bark. They will most likely blend in well with your garden, and on top of that will ensure the survival of plants in demanding conditions. Beware, however, of overly absorbent materials that will block water on the surface. Especially in winter, it is important that it reaches the deepest possible roots.

Conduct spraying

Protect your fruit trees from diseases by spraying them. You can use a pressure device for this, which will allow you to quickly cover the surface. Spraying carried out from the base of the trunk will ensure safety from fungi and mold.

main photo: Byrom

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