Tag - balcony

Should herbs on the balcony be hidden for the winter?
Should herbs on the balcony be hidden for the winter?

Do you keep herbs on the balcony? We have some tips for you for the winter.

Is it possible to grow a palm tree on the balcony?
Is it possible to grow a palm tree on the balcony?

Do you love exotics and dream of having a palm tree on your balcony? Check out how to take care of it!

Where to start the metamorphosis of the balcony?
Where to start the metamorphosis of the balcony?

Would you like to refresh your balcony and completely change its face? Or maybe you are bored with its current form? Check out where to start your metamorphosis and transform your balcony for the coming season!

DIY: How to make a balcony cover?
DIY: How to make a balcony cover?

Are you dreaming of a self-made balcony screen? Here’s how to make one yourself!

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Arranging bouquets for the vase step by step
Arranging bouquets for the vase step by step
Do you love flowers, but find that simply putting them in a vase is not enough? Check out how you can easily arrange a beautiful and impressive bouquet that will attract more than one look!