A garden without weeds – how to protect it?

In the garden
Jalynn Peterson
A garden without weeds – how to protect it?
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Removing weeds in the garden is time consuming and labor intensive. Often the results are not satisfactory. Is it possible to protect the garden against weeds? Is a good way to protect it is a nonwoven fabric or agrotkanina?

Fleece and agro textiles as a way to garden without weeds

Non-woven and agrotkanina are materials that are used to protect the garden against weeds. Despite the many similarities they differ.


Agro-textile is a material that is used to mulch the soil and cover plants. In stores are available different types of nonwoven agro-textile: black, green and brown, with a weight from 50 to 100 g/m2. This type of nonwoven agro-textile is used to cover the soil and protect plants from weeds and pests present in the soil.

Fleecein addition to protecting against weeds provides adequate soil moisture and plumpness. It is most often used for mulching:

  • vegetables,
  • shrubs,
  • strawberries,
  • bedding plants.

When mulching bedding plants is worth using agro-textile brown, which should be spilled decorative bark.


Agrotkanina is a material made of polypropylene, which is used as an anti-weed mat. It is available in a variety of colors: black, brown, white and green and in different weights. The higher the grammage, the more durable the material is.

Agrotkanina is also called mulching mat or nursery mat. This material is durable regardless of its thickness. Agrotkanina is a more durable material than agricultural fleece, so it is ideal for beds lined with stones such as: stoneware or other stones with sharp edges. Agrotkanina does not affect the ph of the soil, is a material well permeable to water.

What is the best anti-weed material?

When choosing an anti-weed material for your garden, it is worth considering:

  • price – a much cheaper material is agrofiber;
  • durability – a much more durable and resistant to damage material is agrotkaniana;
  • terrain – on the slopes and small hills much better perform agrotextile. With agrotkaniną placed on the slope of the stone and bark will slide;
  • mulch – if the mulching material will be island stones, it is much better agrotkanina (is more resistant to cuts and accidental damage);
  • water permeability – better has agrotkanina;
  • evaporation of water from the soil – less evaporation of water from the soil provides agrotkanina;
  • anti-weed – both nonwoven and agrotkanina reduce the growth of weeds. Both fabrics have similar anti-weed parameters.

How do I lay out each of these materials?

Each of these materials can be laid out in two ways:

  • before planting the plants,
  • after the plants are planted.

Whichever way you choose, it is very important to properly fix the material to the ground, so that it does not move or curl up by the wind. Agro-textile and agrotkanina is also worth additional protection during mulching. To secure, use pins of strong plastic, which are also called burrs and pins

Geotextile – building material used in the garden

Geotextile is a building material that has a lot of uses in the garden. It is used to build drainage systems or to protect ponds. Very often it is laid under the paving stones. It stabilizes the ground and provides optimal water flow.

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