Growing roses in the garden – all about care

In the garden
Jalynn Peterson
Growing roses in the garden – all about care
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Roses are one of the most popular flowers – cut roses are bought for anniversaries, birthdays, and Valentine’s Day. However, the ones in the garden can be equally delightful. How to take care of them?

There are over 4000 varieties of roses in the world! And their number is constantly growing, more and more beautiful and fragrant species appear. There are 7 groups of roses: large-flowered, bedding, miniature, park, groundcover, English and climbing. They differ from each other in frost resistance and flowering time, but their requirements are similar – and most importantly, not exorbitant!

Position, soil and pruning

Roses require a sunny, but airy position. If the position is completely sheltered and shaded, fungal lesions can appear on the plants, as well as various pests such as aphids and spider mites

Cuttings can be planted in spring (March/April) and early autumn (September/October) – then they will have time to root before winter and produce flowers in the next season. Roses form extensive root systems, so it is difficult to transplant older specimens – there is a chance that they will not take root and will die in the new location. That’s why it’s worth thinking ahead when planting roses in the ground and planning which plants will appear in beds next year.

Although older roses do not require intensive watering (unless during a drought), they do like to be fertilized. It is best to plant them in permeable soil with a slightly acidic reaction and regularly replenish the necessary minerals. In the first year you should use only compost, then 3 times a season fertilizers specially composed to nourish roses

A few words about pests

Roses are plants loved by unwanted guests in gardens – most often aphids, thrips and spider mites feed on the leaves and young shoots. Their presence can distort buds and leaves and prevent flowering

If aphids appear, it is advisable to use natural methods first. Certainly do not use nitrogen-based fertilizers, and use sprays made of nettle, elderberry or onion extracts. Sprays of water with washing-up liquid (one teaspoon per liter) also help. Thrips and spider mites appear in dry, not very airy places – therefore, it is not worth planting new seedlings there. Regular irrigation should deter them. And if not, chemical preparations will do it.

See also: Ornamental grasses for the garden.

What about cut ones?

Sometimes there is an occasion to cut garden roses and give someone a bouquet as a gift. However, so that the flowers do not go to waste and do not wither the next day, it is worth instructing the recipient how to prolong the freshness of flowers in a vase. And there are several ways

For sure, before putting them in the vase, you should cut the ends at an angle of 45 degrees. And this with a sharp knife, not secateurs! Its more blunt blades crush delicate tissues, which impedes the flow of air to the buds. Then put the tips in boiling water for a maximum of 10 seconds to let the air escape.

Put the flowers in cold water enriched with citric acid (antibacterial agent) and sugar (conditioner). Change the water every day, while thoroughly cleaning the vessel.

Main photo: Biel Morro/

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