How to divide the garden into zones?

In the garden
Jalynn Peterson
How to divide the garden into zones?
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Work in the garden has already started in full swing. Many of us would not leave it if only they could. What should we do if we are just starting our adventure with the garden at home? How to make it tidy? 

It turns out that it is best to divide the garden at the design stage into zones, which will make it our additional and functional space and a kind of extension of the house. How to do it step by step?

Some of us love the English style gardens, modeled on the lush and unfettered nature. Sometimes, however, we simply need harmony and order, thanks to which each member of the household will have their own corner in the garden. Designating zones will help us with this. Thanks to this there will be a place where flowers can grow, children will find their corner to play with a sandpit, a small field to play ball or a small house, and in yet another place we will have our oasis, used to rest or arrange a garden party for friends and relatives. 

Zoning also allows us to use it comfortably on a daily basis. Having a clear division of places, we can prepare for different scenarios, so that, for example, during a visit of guests we will not have to think about how to cover the composter or drying laundry.

Zoning – how to start and organize the space?

Zones are best determined at the very beginning of work on the garden. Then you will avoid the difficult and laborious repotting of plants that have already managed to settle in their current places. Specialists recommend that you designate 3 basic zones:

  • representative;
  • resting zone;
  • economic.

Representative zone

Undoubtedly, it is our showcase. It is usually located in front of the house and may include flowerbeds, lawn or various flowerbeds. This is the place that first of all shows us, so it is worth taking care of it in particular. To make it look even better, you can place a fountain, large flowering shrubs or sculptures. Choose things that you like and that in some way define you. 

Rest and play zone

In this zone we will be able to rest after a long day, relax, sit and read a book or sunbathe. It is worth distinguishing a sub-zone or combining it, in case we have children, with the play zone. It is so practical that during our relaxation we can still take care of the kids and make sure that no harm comes to them. Here, it is worth thinking that at least the part where children will be most often present should be in a shady place. 

In this zone we can take care of our privacy for example with a dense hedge, high plants or wooden fence panels. Therefore, for its location we usually choose a side of the garden away from the busy street, noisy neighbors or fence. 

Economic zone

The last zone is the utility zone, without which it is difficult to imagine functioning. This is the place where you will be able to hide tools, store pots or transplant plants. In this zone you will also be able to place a composter, as well as a laundry dryer. It is worth thinking about their location in such a way that they are not visible from other zones. In this place you can also plan a small vegetable garden with a few beds of your favorite fruits or vegetables.

main photo: Fotios

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