What to do in the garden in July?

In the garden
Jalynn Peterson
What to do in the garden in July?
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July is one of the hottest months of the year. The sustained high temperatures and harsh sun make it important to remember to water regularly in the garden. And not only!

July is full of fresh fruit and blooming flowers. But admiring the results of a whole year’s work is not the only task awaiting every gardener. In July you should take care of plants just like in any other month – fertilize, weed, water. Pay special attention to plants that are threatened by pests, such as roses. If you’re an avid gardener, I’m sure you’d love to know what to do in the garden this month!

Perennials, annuals, biennials and bulbs

July is the month to think ahead. Dig flower bulbs out of the ground (after the leaves have dried), eliminate damaged ones and those with pests, and lay them in a dry place where they will wait until autumn. In September you can dig them back into the ground to make them bloom in spring.

In July you should also monitor the growth of your plants and make any necessary cuts. Remove flowering flowers from perennials and shorten the stems, leaving only this year’s flowers so that they can bloom again. This will help roses in particular. If your climbing plants (such as wisteria or milfoil) are sprawling, it is a good idea to shorten their stems. You can also do some hedge pruning

Plants constantly need watering and fertilizing. In July it is advisable to strengthen shrubs in the garden as well as potted plants on terraces and balconies. Plants will need a boost in the form of nitrogen-containing agents. And if some shrubs are heavily flowering or sprawling, make sure they are properly supported

Protection against pests

Pay special attention to all signs of pest activity – whether in the orchard, vegetable garden or flowering shrubs. Any fungal diseases should also be combated.

If you struggled with brown rot last year, be sure to spray against it in mid-July. You must also regularly pick infected fruit. Keep an eye on your vegetable garden – in early July, cucurbits may be attacked by mildew and potatoes and tomatoes by potato blight. An unwelcome guest, the potato beetle, may also appear.

Roses are also at risk in July as they are easy prey for aphids. They can appear on shrubs every year because they are particularly fond of this species. Aphids suck out the sap, which deforms the buds and prevents them from blooming. If you don’t want to use chemical sprays, try an extract of elderberry, nettle or onion. Sprays of water and dish liquid (a teaspoon per liter) also work.

Vegetable garden and orchard

July is the harvest time. Strawberry bushes, apricot trees, cherries and cherries bear fruit. After the stone fruits are harvested, you can cut the trees. Bushes that bear fruit exceptionally hard in a given year should be supported with wooden stakes, so that the branches do not break under the weight of the crop

If you haven’t already done so, this is the last call to sow fall-fruiting vegetables – such as beans and radishes.

Main photo: Jill Wellington/pexels.com

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