Amaryllis – everything about cultivation and care

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Jalynn Peterson
Amaryllis – everything about cultivation and care
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Amaryllis is a potted flower ideal for the gloomy autumn and winter season, because this is when it blooms and brings a breath of spring into the room

In modern interiors it is placed in glass bowls or as part of a hanging ball, because it is a very decorative plant. How to grow and care for amaryllis to enjoy its view for a long time?

A few words about amaryllis

The amaryllis is also known as the zwitteria or hippeastrum. This flower is native to South America. Under natural conditions it grows wild in Mexico and some regions of Argentina. This plant belongs to the amaryllis family. There are about 70 species in the world. In Europe it has only been cultivated since about 1880.

Amaryllis is a beautiful potted plant that requires little maintenance. It has a large bulb from which emerges a thick stem on which smooth buds appear. The flowers of amaryllis can reach a size of 20 cm, which looks spectacular. Amaryllis can come in white, red, salmon, pink and green. Bicolored varieties such as red with orange are very popular.

The most popular varieties of amaryllis available for sale are:

  • Galaxy – has a single flower, with a diameter of min. 16 cm;
  • Diamond – has a single flower with a diameter of 12-16 cm;
  • Spider – has a single flower
  • Butterfly – has a single flower with a slightly oval shape;
  • Trumpet – has a single, slightly elongated flower with a trumpet shape.

Buying Amaryllis – what to pay attention to?

In stores there are bulbs covered with wax or felt, you do not need to put them in the ground. You can put them in a glass pot and water them, but they grow much slower than those put in a pot with soil.

When you buy amaryllis in a pot, you need to pay attention to the size of the bulb – the bigger it is, the more stems can grow out of it. Even 3-4 stems can grow from a large one. When choosing a potted onion, check that it is not too loosely planted in the pots and that there is a small green top sticking out. When buying it is worth checking if there are no signs of mold (white tarnish) – it means that it has been overwatered and such an onion may no longer take.

Cultivation of Amaryllis

In summer you can put a pot with amaryllis on the balcony, terrace or in the garden.

Cultivation is difficult because it is a plant that requires proper care. If you want to have it, then you need to remember some basic rules while caring for it:

  1. The pot should have a diameter of 15-20 cm (the size should be adjusted to the size of the bulb, the larger the bulb, the larger the pot).
  2. 1/3 of the amaryllis bulb should be above the soil surface.
  3. The plant requires a bright position with diffused light.
  4. When the first buds appear, water the amaryllis very abundantly.
  5. When the plant blooms, the pot should be placed in a warm and airy place. At this time you can cut the stems after flowering.
  6. Beginning in July, stop watering to prepare the plant for winter dormancy.
  7. When the leaves have withered, then remove the bulb, clean it and leave it in a dry and cool place for about 8 weeks.
  8. After this time, the bulb should be placed in a previously prepared pot with soil and watered regularly. Amaryllis will bloom again between five and eight weeks after being potted.

Why doesn’t the Amaryllis bloom?

The most important time for this plant is dormancy, which is from July to December. If the plant is not put to rest, it will not bloom again. During the resting period the plant should not be watered and the room temperature should be between 10 and 12 C°.

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