Growing spring onions – what do you need to know?

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Jalynn Peterson
Growing spring onions – what do you need to know?
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Spring onions are a delicious addition to sandwiches and dishes. Besides being tasty, it is also very healthy. This vegetable is rich in vitamins A, C and B vitamins. You can grow it in the garden or even in a pot. Check how to grow spring onions.

How to grow spring onions?

The cultivation of this variety of onion in the garden is very simple. It does not need any special conditions, nor is it very demanding when it comes to soil. One way to grow spring onions is to place the seeds in the ground and wait for the small onions to grow. These can then be planted out the following year, producing large onions. However, you can speed up the process by planting already grown bulbs. Plant the small vegetable so that it is covered with soil in ⅔ of its length

There should be a gap of about ten centimetres between the bulbs so that each one can develop peacefully. Planting time is also an important consideration. Onions can be planted as early as March regardless of the weather. Fortunately, they are resistant to temperature changes and frequent early spring frosts. After planting, you need to water the soil gently

Growing spring onions in a pot

Spring onions planted in a pot will quickly yield a crop of chives. As in both garden and pot conditions, it has no special requirements. Plant the vegetable in a pot just as you would in a garden, placing it ⅔ of the way into the ground. If you have a large pot, remember about a few centimeters between the bulbs. Water the soil lightly after planting. Make sure that the pot is not placed in too shady or too sunny place.

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