What can be composted?

In the garden
Jalynn Peterson
What can be composted?
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Do you have a composter in your garden? In order for it to be safe to use and serve as a place to create natural fertilizer, you need to choose the right ingredients, as well as know what you can throw into it. Check out what you can compost!

Kitchen scraps

We often associate the composter with kitchen waste, i.e. fruit and vegetable peelings as well as coffee or tea grounds. Of course, you can throw them away, but you have to do it sensibly. You cannot throw ingredients that have been in contact with meat, e.g. cooked together in a stock, into the composter. The micro-organisms that are in them can get into the composter, and consequently unpleasant smells and even pests will appear.

The same also applies to kitchen waste that is of animal origin, such as meat, whole eggs and dairy. You can, however, throw in the shells themselves.

Leaves and plant scraps

What can be composted? The most common ingredients that go in are leaves that have fallen from trees and shrubs. However, it is worth noting that slowly decomposing plant scraps, should be stored in a separate location. Other times, they can have a negative effect on the other ingredients in the composter.

You can also freely throw grass cuttings into the composter as they decompose quickly. It is one of the most valuable ingredients. Once the flowers and plants have flowered, you can easily put other plant remains in the composter as well. Make sure that the weeds thrown into the compost heap do not have seeds.


Do not throw into the composter ornamental plants or vegetables that show any signs of disease. This will have a bad effect on the development of components that you can then use as natural fertiliser.


In addition to the leaves from fruit bushes, you can also throw away fruit scraps – seeds, peelings, leftovers. These will have a good effect on everything else.

Wood ash

If you have a small amount of wood ash, it is also worth putting it as waste in your compost pile. It’s great for fertilizing garden plants because of its calcium, magnesium and other micronutrients.

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