Fireplace – how to care for it and what to burn in it?

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Jalynn Peterson
Fireplace – how to care for it and what to burn in it?
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Fireplace is often associated with a cozy atmosphere of the house and pleasant evenings. However, it is worth remembering that to fulfill its function, you need to take care of it properly. Learn how to properly care for it and what to burn in it.

Proper maintenance of the fireplace

Fireplace maintenance consists mainly of cleaning the soot from the fireplace on a regular basis and checking the chimney shaft and the firebox. When it comes to cleaning, it is best to use special products for this purpose, such as Typhoon fireplace cleaner. They will effectively dissolve soot from the glass. This procedure should be performed about once a week, depending on the frequency of burning.

It is also very important to clean and take care of the fireplace lining. In its case, it is best to take up cleaning after each burning. A cast iron fireplace is a little different, as you should only use products for metals to care for it. It is time-consuming to clean, but in this way you will take care of the aesthetics of the fireplace and its elegant appearance.

However, when it comes to the fireplace flue, it is best to have the matter handled by professionals. Twice a year, you should call a chimney sweep to check the condition of the flue and clean it if necessary. This will make sure that your fireplace is in good working order and safe for you and others.

What to burn in the fireplace?

If you want your fireplace to work efficiently and if you want to make sure that the fireplace is not too hard to clean, you should also make sure that you have the right firewood. The best firewood to burn in your fireplace is carefully dried wood that does not contain any moisture. For example, deciduous trees such as ash, oak and birch are ideal. They are the most calorific, which means they have the highest calorific value and burn quietly and evenly

You can also make good quality firewood for your fireplace using a pelletizer. Remember never to put coniferous wood in the fireplace as the resin in them will pollute the chimney and fireplace. It is equally important not to put out the fireplace with water. Moisture in the fireplace not only causes soot formation but can also cause corrosion of the fireplace stove.

The right place

A very important aspect that affects the use of the fireplace, and which must be considered before installing it, is the location. It must be extremely well thought out – the fireplace should be located as close as possible to the chimney, have free access of air, but also be at an optimal distance from places such as sofas, armchairs, or tables and chairs

Advantages of having a fireplace

So as you can see, having a fireplace comes with some responsibilities, but it’s definitely worth it. After all, fireplace heating is a great complement to the main heating in your home, and it can even become the main source of heat. This is because it is possible to install a system that distributes heat to all rooms of the house, which is quite a practical solution

In addition, an undeniable advantage of having a fireplace at home, is the atmosphere that it will give to any interior, and the smell of burning wood is the perfect addition to the cold days spent at home. So if you want a fireplace to appear in your home, be sure to check out the offer that fireplace manufacturer Hitze has.

Main photo: Timothy Eberly/

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